Conservative Coalition of North Carolina
"Judge Wood is endorsed by CCNC over Attorneys Victoria Prince and Trey Allen because of her 18+ years of courtroom experience, her strong performance in the 2020 Appeals Court race, and her superior campaign strategy for winning in 2022. We consider Judge Wood to be the best candidate to defeat incumbent democrat Justice Jimmy Ervin, tipping the High Court’s balance back towards constitutional integrity and conservative jurisprudence."

Education First Alliance

"The battle to retake North Carolina’s public education system from the left begins with corrective policies such as the Ensuring Dignity & Nondiscrimination/Schools Act and ends with judges who uphold those policies against the coming onslaught of lawsuits.
The public education system should be about children, with maximum coordination between parents and teachers and minimal intervention from radical groups or government overreach.
The judges we choose are Constitutional Conservatives who pledge to follow the law as written and to refrain from activism from the bench. These judges have extensive and diverse legal experience, as well as the professional experience needed to be excellent jurists."
Liberty First Alliance
"We consider Judge Wood to be the best candidate to defeat incumbent democrat Justice Jimmy Ervin, tipping the High Court’s balance back towards constitutional integrity and conservative jurisprudence."

Sheriff JD Hartman
Davie County
"I have worked with Judge Wood for many years in Davie County. She understands how the courtrooms function and that judges should follow the law, not make the law. I think she will make an outstanding Appellate Judge, who makes decisions that support and defend all North Carolinians. She has my full support.”